About Badgers

Are badgers rare?

No. The European badger (Meles meles) can be found across Europe but the UK has the highest density, particularly in the South West.

Do badgers hibernate?

No, but they are much less active during December and January when their metabolism slows down in order to conserve energy when less food is available to them.

What do badgers eat?

Badgers are omnivores, meaning they eat a wide range of food. Their preferred food is earthworms (45%), insects, small mammals, birds, cereals and fruits.

Where and how do badgers live?

In the UK, badgers occupy a wide range of habitats and live in underground burrows called setts. They live in gregarious, hierarchical family groups of on average 5 or 6 individuals and together defend a territory.

How big are badgers?

An adult badger can be up to 90cm long and weigh on average 10–12kg (male) and 8–10kg (female).

Find out more about badgers on the Badger Trust website.